May is Motorcycle Awareness Month

Warmer temperatures, more daylight and the call of the open road after a winter hiatus. The riding season begins. Please take a moment to remember May is Motorcyclists Awareness Month and train yourself to see motorcyclists. Riders: take it easy as you begin putting miles on your bike. Find a way to improve your riding and traffic perception skills every day.  

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2022 the year ahead for Nomadic Products

Yurt at Beverly Beach in Oregon. The mighty Prius ventured through a snowstorm to get us to this great spot. Back to business in 2022 Today is our first office day of 2022. We are just returning from a jaunt down the Oregon Coast in a snow storm to stay in a yurt with malfunctioning heat. It was a great trip and we found comfort once the heater was fixed. Returning to the office has us reflecting on the past year and thinking about the future. There are many large macro-economic, political and technological forces pushing all of us who live on Earth in new directions. New directions are opportunities and we hope to pursue the positive aspects of the...

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Holiday shopping gift ideas for outdoor enthusiasts

Holiday shopping advice for the hiker, bicyclist, kayaker, motorcyclist and off-road explorers on your shopping list. It can be difficult to get outdoor enthusiasts gifts. ROK Straps make excellent gifts and I assure you that the outdoors person on your list will love getting ROK Straps as a gift. Let us tell you why...

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Launching a small business with a plan to remain small

We launched in September 2021. We are marketing the store by word of mouth, social media and in-person when possible. We are simultaneously building a retail and wholesale side of the business. It is fun showing the products to potential new retailers and watch them get excited about such a simple product. It is good to know that we are not the only people who “nerd out” and get excited by it.

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